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datum dimensioning中文是什么意思

用"datum dimensioning"造句"datum dimensioning"怎么读"datum dimensioning" in a sentence


  • 基准尺寸注法


  • Tackling the data dimension of interoperability
  • Digital 21 : tackling the data dimension of interoperability
  • Main technical data dimension of duct
  • The tcq algorithm takes advantage of convolution code , and enlarges the euclidean distances among quantized data by expanding data dimensions
  • Conventionally , due to the huge volume of data , the analysis of erp data , viewed as a multivariate problem , usually adopts principle component analysis ( pca ) to reduce data dimension
    Erp数据的研究与分析因其数据量大的特征,通常采用多变量解析中主成分分析( pca )压缩元的思路来进行。
  • Pca can project complicated related multi - dimensional data into an orthogonal system to extract independent components , and discard unimportant components to reduce data dimension
  • On the basis of request to untouch measure online , this paper put forward the method of " datum dimension precision back " , and then the mathematics model is being established
  • Analyze item by item the position of unintact cycle , the running clearance of unintact cycle , locking - deform , datum dimension regulating , repeatly install , power voltage wave and marking running etc . at the same time , we give the calculating formula to calculating the running marking random error , and use it to calculate the system error of big diameter measure instrument - - datum dimension frame error , gyro - wheel diameter error , error caused by circumstance temperature , error caused by backing distance , angle error , delay error of data collecting circuit , lathe main shaft running error , workpiece install partial error
  • Especially , the idea of " datum dimension precision back " is being put forward , and this idea is being realized by backing composition composed by outer - diameter micrometer , airproof shafting , microwatch . at the same time , use " non - lock " to replace " lock " , this way make the system compact , eliminate many bigger error and resolve th
    尤其是提出了基准尺调整后精确后退的思想,并通过外径百分尺、密珠轴系、千分表组成后退机构加以实现。同时以“无锁”代“锁” ,使系统结构紧凑,受力小,消除了多项较大误差从而解决了测试精度低的关键问题。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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